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Dive Rite Tech Buttplate
I like to segregate equipment, so I can locate it easily, in places that makes sense to me. I use my reel with my left hand, so I keep it on my left side. I will carry wet notes, Jon Line, small items, and spare masks in my pockets, but I don’t want to have big pockets full of crap where I can’t get to what I want.
I want my lights in one spot, my Strobes in another, SMB’s in another, and reels & spools by themselves. Now, if I am carrying side slung cylinders, I want them clipped off separate from the rest of my stuff. I don’t want a D-ring with 6 clips on it, with a mixture of everything I own. If I am in a hurry, I can’t find anything that way.
So, how do I find space for all that gear? Dive Rite makes a Tech Buttplate that I really, really like. It gives me two wide “Rings”, just below the D-Rings on the harness waist strap. On my crotch strap, I have added a Butterfly clip, just below the Tech Buttplate pad. That gives me 6 places to clip stuff off to, 3 on each side. For me, this works.