Apeks Lifeline Spools

I use spools far more than I use reels just because I like their simplicity, especially on ascents with an SMG. For me, stainless spools are robust and slick, but they are too heavy and slippery when in the water, which makes them easy to drop? If you fumble and drop them, they are headed to the bottom. Plastic spools are almost neutrally buoyant, which is cool, but they break too easily. This means I lose them, or they are just another piece of broken crap in my garage. I found one on the bottom just yesterday.

The Apeks Lifeline Spools are the Mercedes Benz of spools!! They are lighter than the stainless spools, but heavier than the plastic ones, if you drop it, it is going to the bottom, but slower than stainless so you have a chance to catch it. They have little grooves on the edges, like milled coins, which makes them feel good in a gloved hand, and easy to control. The finger hole is big, and smooth, and the spool does not come with so much line on it that you can’t clip into the reel. It is easy to clip to this reel. I also love the line that comes with them, which is a strong, lightweight line that feels very slick. The line is unique to Apeks. I have the 150′, and 100′ versions. They are color coded, with green being 100′, and blue 150′.

On the down side, these things are expensive, like the price of a reel! I focus on how sexy they are and try not to dwell on the price, but you can easily find Cheap(er) Knock Offs that are the same basic design and aluminum, but may not have the same metal finish or line. In addition, I don’t care for the end of the line, which has some kind of sewn connection? On my reals, I cut the sewn connection, slip on a 3/4″ solid ring, and close it with an Overhand Knot with a Loop, leaving a loop big enough to pass the spool through.