Dive Rite LX20 Dive Light

I remember a time when my old Darrell Allan light was the wreck diving standard. All it gave you was a faint intermittent yellow light, but you could also use it as a hammer, so it was perfect for wreck diving. It was a big can that used like 12 D Cell alkaline batteries, and sometimes the Radio Shack puny little bulb in the reflector would fall out of the socket deep in the wreck. It was nicknamed “The Prince of Darkness”. If you carried a Darrel Allen light, everyone knew you were a serious wreck diver. It was status. That was also probably the limiting factor on most wreck penetrations.

Modern lights are unbelievably awesome! LED’s give us lots of light in a small package, with rechargeable batteries, and lots of burn time. Everyone and their brother makes an LED light for diving.

I dive with one really good light, a Dive Rite LX20. It throws an amazing amount of light, it is relatively small, great switching, great burn time, and it is rugged. On the highest power setting, it is 20,000 lux!!!! It has a Goodman handle setup, that I don’t use, but some people like? If you want one really good light, this is a good one. This is my Primary light.


For my Secondary and Backup, I use 1000 lumen rechargeable lithium ion lights. There are a bunch of manufacturers, pick one or two. Big Blue is good. When I jump in the water, I essentially have a bouquet of very bright, small, reliable, inexpensive 1000 lights, and one really good 20,000 lux killer light!!!

Please rig your lights with clips, so you can clip them off quickly. Do not use metal split rings, and do not rely on a knot that has not been “glued” or otherwise secured.

I do not use canister lights, because I am a wreck diver. Mounting the can, all the O-rings, and the wire are just way too much, and unnecessary.

Darrell Allen 2